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Love is Love?

What does this even mean? Let’s begin with the process of elimination of what love is not. Love is not PRIDEFUL. Love is not BOASTFUL. Love is not LUST. Love is not ARROGANT. Love is not BLIND. Love is not IMPATIENT. Love is not RUDE. Love is not TRANSGENDER. Love is not REBELLION. Love is not GAY (with their saying, "Love is Love"). Love is not ENVY. Love is not FORCEFUL. Love is not RESENTFUL. Love is not CHEATING (Adultery). Love is not IRRITABLE. Love is not HOPELESS. Love is not what the WORLD says it is, but what the Author of LOVE, SEX & MARRIAGE says it is (1Corinthians 13:4-8).

We have so many people confused and deceived believing the LIE that Satan has brought upon them about what is love. I was born a male/female whore (no self-control). I was born gay (you were born like all of us into sin). Don't be deceived. You "possibly" had a "passive father" who didn't confront things or poured masculinity into you and a domineering mother. You "possibly" had a generational curse. You "possibly" had a bent towards sexual perversion when you were born, but JESUS said, "we ALL must be born again." We ALL fall short in one way or another, but dismissing a relationship with JESUS will keep you walking in darkness believing the lie (s).

The lie of "Happy Wife - Happy Life!" Where did you get this nonsense? Who told you that she has to be on a pedestal while you become the "passive pee-on" constantly shoving things under the rug. Be careful you don't trip mega years later when a mountain of resentment piles up. This isn't love! This ongoing “worldly” strategy exists simply to avoid CONFRONTATIONS (Keeps her quiet/peaceful). However, peace built on SILENCE isn’t peace at all, but it’s called AVOIDANCE (fear to confront with love/respect/character). This will FAIL/FRACTURE your marriage...long-term! It’s a disservice to you and your wife as for the most part, passive husbands eventually produce bitter wives. Husbands you are called to lead (not be a dictator); it's your Godly role. I personally prefer, "Happy Spouses - Happy Houses" as the two shall become ONE.

The lie of "Love is Love!" What does this even mean? This circular worldly definition is designed to confuse you "long enough" to DECEIVE you. You begin to believe and live in the lie (Gay Pride). Unfortunately, most in the CHURCH are still on milk and not on solid foods that help instruct, liberate, and empower folks to elevate from glory to glory. They support or enable a lifestyle rooted in disobedience, rebellion, and deception...rather than CONFRONT with respect, empathy, compassion, and God-centered LOVE. A stand of character and righteousness that with God's power/prayer/love leads to a possible greater level of love.

In conclusion, many are buying into "worldly lies" and are enabling (obviously don't discriminate) these lies bringing a level of passivity with family members/friends that never get addressed or challenged; that more than likely carries on to the next generation. Love for me is not wanting any of my "family members or friends" to go to HELL (something soft Pastors don't talk about). Yes, God loves you, He sent His Son, but He's returning and this time it will be to JUDGE (that's not my job, but His). I just love you enough to not want you to fall off the cliff. I can go along with harmony because I love you, but I rather expose the lie (save you from hell) which is a greater form of love. Choose to live for God and His ABSOLUTE truth denying yourself (your desires for God's desires). He loves you, but He does NOT approve a lifestyle that's out of Biblical order. The GOOD NEWS is that God formed us, sin deformed us, but JESUS & ONLY JESUS can TRANSFORM us. Marriage "God's Way" Rocks and living with His LOVE is greater than any worldly love. God Bless You!

@PastorHeryAlonso @RiseUpOutreachChurch



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12601 SW 72 Street 

Miami, FL  33183

Office: 305.270.1004

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